Action: A Dive into Cynicism and the Fight for Individuality

I've already gone over the purpose of Vacant Care as an album. Some stuff was on my mind, and I went ahead and scrapped the original plans in favor of venting. That part is easy enough to understand. The individual tracks do need further dialogue though. 

Let's take a listen to the first track on that album: Action.

Action works as an overall "go suck an egg, cuz' I heard there's a prize inside you might like" to following the path of raw anger. I've been given a fair enough shake from people I like and admire. Things for the most part have been pretty cool. If I choose to look at nothing but the positives, it's all love!

That's not a skill I was ever accused of maxing out... Christopher Jones doesn't have a long standing history of looking at the positives. There's plenty of receipts that show I've disregarded such things in favor of having a long term brood session for the fuck of it. Adults should be able to admit their shortcomings, right? Okay then, I'll own up to it. That's been the major unforced error in my game for the longest time. 

Never been forced.

The overall picture has been painted with contempt for those who dropped the ball. Even with a lot of olive branches extended, I found myself lost within the depths of the Pissy Well. It's kinda like Alice in Chain's Angry Chair, but If my mind state was presented in the form of a song back then, it would be 95.3% bleeps, with little to no sick guitar rifts(because 'Fuck you! you don't deserve it!' was the whole vibe.)

hate ripple a hex relayed from serpents

"everythings a limit off purpose"

pro-blem on surface... Youth reprise

same role. Duped then lined euthanized

Some folks see the drama brewing and nope right on outta there, faster than a greased pig at a county fair. Strategic retreat? Absolutely. You gotta know when to fold 'em. I never wanted to see the logic in it, but it is a smart move.

But here's the real kicker: YOU are a warrior. Don't let the negativity rent space in your head. Find those little victories, the moments that make you smile, and celebrate them like they're the winning lottery ticket. 

You aced that presentation at work?  High five yourself!  Finally finished that mountain of laundry that's been staring you down?  Treat yourself to a victory dance (or a nap, no judgement here). Small wins become big wins when you focus on the positive.

The cycle of societies trappings lies within learned traits. One such trait seems to be centered around the dimmest of bulbs getting all the funding and attention because that whole "likability" thing just means you have a tendency to make all the C-students feel smart by comparison.

This has been another source of anger that I'm no longer able to get amped up for. I see the younger cats rally behind their own goober flavored droolbuckets as well. It's the main reason I don't care to lecture anyone in or out of my music. I saw all these cats fall for the same BS, and lap it up with a shit eating grin while doing so. 

It all goes back to the obsession with pop cults, and championing that crap as a means of fitting in. It's a conveyor belt that never stops. You have the new goober who's just like the old goober, another wonky as seen on tv perspective on the current hot takes, and goofy fidget tech to give everybody carpel-tunnel. There's no point to any of it, We can't really enjoy anything because we are all assigned to toss the old crap out once the new 'hotness' is chosen for everyone at the feeding trough.

Don't care if I'm alone with this one, but I actually like a lot of the old crap. I'm the cat out here writing about a character from a game on a 20+ year old Sega console for Christ's sake! It should be obvious by now that I'm not one to go out here and simp for Bo Peep. 

Though, I can understand those who do.

I don't care how long them legs are, You ain't gonna herd me around like it's the 4H Lambchop Power Hour, or whatever the fuck those exhibitions where called. I actually took part in one of those things growing up. Everybody was nice, so it was a pleasant experience. Turns out I much rather be in control than to be the one that's led around.

So, my original gripe is about not having proper guides in life. I feel as though the so called "elders" have no clue as to what they were doing, and just wanted an ignorant generation of folks under them to make them feel important. 

Misguidance will screw you over even when you do Macrohard excel at everything they tell you to do.There's been a whole lot of floor is lava shit, and it's made me feel stupid as hell when I looked into some of the apparently dangerous things later on. 

One example would be the general attitude people have had toward wealth and the people who acquire it. Seems like a financially literate voter-base would be better to have than the scam chasing, get rich quick wishing, the 'things I don't like are obviously a sci-op' claiming morons we are unfortunate enough to deal with in this would today.

There's a lot of money that hasn't been made(by me, you, and most others you know) due to this retarded way of relaying info to kids. Most will wind up growing into bowling bumper minded contrarians who just wanna see the world burn.

That stuff is only funny in specific cartoons, never real life!

I've learned that prudes don't want anyone doing things they wouldn't do themselves. This is why so many people are struggling, and have their heads messed up with the notion of having to play along with the popularity contest mess, because they aren't presented with any other way to live a fulfilling life. Beware of vulgar wordplay ahead:

A silent eye roll when I'm thinking the keys

this ease my stead, I centipede

in the mouth of madness...

The system is a set up. This is one of those Boondocks-type known knowns, ya know? It's been said that it's set up for us all to fail. Because of that, Even if you don't agree with or understand my takes, I'll have you know that I'm definitely taking this bat which was forged of my discontent, and swinging from my God damned my boots on everyone's behalf. Instead of just going with the flow, I'm making it a point to dig a bunch of trenches for my own personal and public gains. 

Staying away from the echo chamber is the key to doing that. There's little flair ups that appear on this project, but I feel like a controlled burn is the right way to go about things.

Try this on for size:

These got the internet goin' nutz:

Confessions of a Game Jam Newbie: From Couch Cushions to Space Colonies

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